
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก กันยายน, 2018

yoga-pants-hotness: Madalin Giorgetta…

yoga-pants-hotness : Madalin Giorgetta https://yoga-pants-hotness.tumblr.com/yoga

daddyissues90: I really love you California ❤️@daddyissues90

thunder: via weheartit

thunder : via weheartit

charlottewinslowfitness: Madalin Giorgetta

charlottewinslowfitness : Madalin Giorgetta

abovearth:being happy is the goal, but greatness is my mission

abovearth : being happy is the goal, but greatness is my mission

apodyoopsis: caliviibes: 🌊 Tropical Bliss

apodyoopsis : caliviibes : Tropical Bliss

girls-on-bicycles:Girls On Bicycle

girls-on-bicycles : Girls On Bicycle

flannelsecrets:Gotta get the pre-deadlift-day gym selfie

flannelsecrets : Gotta get the pre-deadlift-day gym selfie

ask–brazil: #EleNão A reminder. #ELENAO #ELENUNCA

Sophie Arvebrink

ariana-news: @arianagrande: ♡ 👼🏼 dwt

ariana-news : @arianagrande: ♡ dwt

Linda Durbesson

abovearth: booty gainz

abovearth : booty gainz

trevuz: Como segundo post sobre este mês amarelo a Trevuz…

trevuz : Como segundo post sobre este mês amarelo a Trevuz decidiu trazer até vocês os seguintes tópicos: COMO IDENTIFICAR UMA DEPRESSÃO: Tristeza a maior parte do dia e durante vários dias ou meses; Desinteresse pelas atividades do dia a dia, mesmo pelas que proporcionavam prazer; Desesperança; Falta de energia, sensação de cansaço permanente; Alterações nos padrões de sono: insónias ou sonolência excessiva; Alterações no padrão alimentar: comer demais ou de menos; Alterações do apetite sexual; Oscilações no peso, com ganho ou perda de quilos de forma súbita; Ansiedade, impaciência e, por vezes, irritabilidade; Emoções descontroladas: explosão de fúria seguida de choro compulsivo; Perda de confiança; Dificuldade em tomar decisões; Dificuldades de concentração e de memória; Tendência para o isolamento; Dores sem explicação aparente: de cabeça, de estômago, musculares; Maior consumo de produtos de risco, como tabaco, álcool e drogas; Conversas sobre a morte e o su...

muscle-luv: 💥💥ALICE MATOS💥💥

muscle-luv: 💥💥ANLLELA SAGRA💥💥


manlypecs: Flexing his round, sweaty pecs at the mirror

manlypecs : Flexing his round, sweaty pecs at the mirror

sexy-hard-bodies:Carriejune Bowlby

sexy-hard-bodies : Carriejune Bowlby

magic-gap: abigailtalksabout: phases of Olivia 

fitandnaturalsubreddit: Allison StokkeFrom: /r/FitAndNatural

fitandnaturalsubreddit : Allison Stokke From: /r/FitAndNatural

osegredodasnuvens: Fala amores da minha vida, primeira vez que…

osegredodasnuvens : Fala amores da minha vida, primeira vez que estou trazendo um Reblogue aqui no meu tumblr, espero que vocês curtem e participem que é o principal ne hahaha, as regrinhas são básicas:  Esteja me seguindo (não é obrigatório) Rebloga esse post (é obrigatório)  Me manda uma pergunta + suatag na minha ask e fim, simples ne? Não fiquem de fora, vem que vemmm  Obs: pra ficar ainda mais prático, aqui tem algumas perguntas pra vocês se inspirarem  *post válido por tempo indeterminado*

sexyabsapproval: Alice Matos

sexyabsapproval : Alice Matos

A Pregnant Black Woman is in Prison for Defending Herself

Last summer, a black woman in Michigan defended herself, her mother, and her 2-year-old daughter with a registered (and unloaded) gun against a woman who she and her attorneys say tried to hit them with a car. She was a concealed carry permit holder and living in an open carry state — one with a “stand your ground” law in place. Ra’s case is yet another instance of a black gun owner, with the permits to legally carry, defending themselves against violence — and getting punished for it.   Now, Siwatu-Salama Ra is serving a two-year prison sentence at Huron Valley Correctional Facility for felonious assault and felony firearm convictions. She’s seven months pregnant, and according to her attorneys, she’s receiving insufficient medical care — including being shackled to her bed during a vaginal exam — even though her pregnancy is high-risk. The case is under appeal, but the judge deciding Ra’s fate, Thomas Hathaway, has already denied a request to postpone Ra’s sentence until she giv...

fitbanana: Pre-run selfie 🤳

onlyrippedgirls:Ripped Girls. – Dolly Castro 🔥🔥🔥🔥

onlyrippedgirls : Ripped Girls. – Dolly Castro

fit-butts: More muscular backsides at Fit-Butts.tumblr.com.

fit-butts : More muscular backsides at Fit-Butts.tumblr.com .

andreasgoudi: dolly castro

andreasgoudi : dolly castro

legsinleggings: Krissy Cela

legsinleggings : Krissy Cela


canadianfitgirl: Today’s grind

Sophie Arvebrink

minaverao:m i n a v e r ã o

minaverao : m i n a v e r ã o

Linda Durbesson

ftrealmen: Milan Sadek

ftrealmen : Milan Sadek

b-phit: Yeah so I have to stop training my core for a bit for reasons…. 😢 whatever I’ll just train…

mydailyfitspiration:instagram: @iam_evelina

mydailyfitspiration : instagram: @iam_evelina

wickedmamii: towritecomicsonherarms: Literally the cutest…

fit-avocados: Heyyyyoooo friends ☺️ Haley’s still here. Grindin’ it out! Today, mentally, I felt…

drwannabebigger: the best photo ever taken of Ronnie Coleman

drwannabebigger : the best photo ever taken of Ronnie Coleman

littlekoalaman: Photo https://ift.tt/2JHUZHa…

littlekoalaman : Photo https://ift.tt/2JHUZHa http://johnrumblr.tumblr.com/post/178526249736

nyc-conservative: This morning’s wake up call? A five-minute…

nyc-conservative : This morning’s wake up call? A five-minute charley horse in my calf https://www.instagram.com/p/BoN0IS9Hfcga4PJzmYG1t7lBhCCGrrhl61kmV00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19j0dnsvypf8g

mehicana: keniavfit


oceancuresall:o c e a n //instagram@veermoraes

oceancuresall : o c e a n // instagram@veermoraes

petyahh: Photo Credit – [IG@petyahh]

petyahh : Photo Credit – [IG@petyahh]

She’s dangerous when she knows her worth.

Obama Administration Eases Marijuana Research Requirements

And things aren’t likely going to get better under the new administration, according to Bostwick. “From what little I’ve seen, there’s no particular reason to believe that the new president and his cabinet is going to be sympathetic towards marijuana as a medication,” he told The Scientist. “I don’t have any reason to believe our new president … is going to be easy on marijuana or that there’s going to be a whole lot of either wisdom or priority about declaring it something that needs to be studied.” Ware, a Canadian, said he doesn’t know what to expect from the US in terms of its official stance on marijuana and research into the drug’s effects. But he remains hopeful. “I fundamentally hope that the science is what drives the policy and not something else,” he said. “That National Academies report has identified a lot of gaps that still exist that we need answers to,” Ware added. “We shouldn’t be having these conversations 10 years from now, given that things are opening up, there i...

auracarioca: MALIBU

auracarioca : MALIBU

jaidspo: life is a mess but silk pjs solve it all

oceancuresall: tropical blog my insta :@veermoraes

oceancuresall : tropical blog my insta :@veermoraes

sark4play:Vincenzo Masone

sark4play : Vincenzo Masone

02teodora: “We don’t quit, we don’t cower, we don’t run…We endure and conquer!”

italwaystakesacoupletakes: “While you’re on your fitness journey, don’t forget to check you’re…

italwaystakesacoupletakes : “While you’re on your fitness journey, don’t forget to check you’re still really living” — someone who wants you to eat the damn cookie, no guilt included (via asanaambitions )

bbroidbelly: Grow Baby !!

bbroidbelly : Grow Baby !!

ultra-subdad: drwannabebigger:Axel Alvarez Fuck yeah.

ultra-subdad : drwannabebigger : Axel Alvarez Fuck yeah.

yourmaxmuscles: Free Bitcoin with Google Chrome? Click here!

yourmaxmuscles : Free Bitcoin with Google Chrome? Click here!

drwannabebigger: Yoni Hanna

drwannabebigger : Yoni Hanna

rosegetsfit:I love myself

rosegetsfit : I love myself